I’ve been in some very interesting situations where I wondered if God could fix it. I know I’m not alone when I say that I’ve looked around me, shook my head and just wanted to give up because it seemed impossible. The mind is very powerful, whatever thoughts we decide to yield to today determines our tomorrow. That proves the very existence of God’s power placed in us when He created us. Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks within himself, so is he.” The real problem boils down to what we believe. It’s a choice to believe a lie or the truth. God can’t lie so choosing to think about the crazy amazing things that happened in the word of God pulls our thinking up to where He is instead of staying low and trying to pull Him down from His sovereignty. Its’s written that with God all things are possible, so let’s not try to pull Him down to carnal thinking. He defies all the laws of science and logic, and He’s the one who created it all. Scriptures provide account after account of encouragement to believe the unimaginable. Overcoming disbelief will happen when we continually think about the miraculous power of God. I think of the resurrection, which should be thought about all the time, not just observed once a year. I think about a donkey talking (Numbers 22:28), a man swallowed by a giant fish (Jonah 1:17), the pledges of Egypt and Moses parting the red sea (Exodus 7-14). The stories just go on and on, none of these happenings would be possible without God. We must have faith. Corrie Ten Boom said, “Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.” Let’s review the following scriptures and talk to the Father.
Reference Scriptures: Matthew 17:20, Matthew 19:2, Luke 1:37, Proverbs 3:5&6, Mark 9:23, 1 Cor. 13:2
Psalming Out-loud
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for peace and comfort I get from knowing truth in your scriptures. No matter my circumstances, it is written that if I have faith the size of a mustard seed, I can move mountains. I hold my head up and repent for the times I didn’t believe. I’m sorry for trying to take matters into my owns hands when all I was required to do is trust you with all my heart, yielding and seeking You for direction. Have your way in my life Father, I’m a mere human and don’t always see the clear picture. With me in control life seems hard and impossible, but with you nothing is impossible. There’s no limit to how you move, there’s nothing that can stop you. You do all things well and I believe you are working things together for my good because I love you and because I am the called according to your purpose. All your promises are possible, not one promise from you is empty of power. So, I continue my journey smiling and knowing I am victorious. Nothing can stand against me because my God will never fail. My faith is in you my love. I believe and operate in your word today. Nothing can stand against me successfully because I have you. You give me plans, wisdom, strategies on how to proceed because I trust and believe. The enemy’s attacks don’t stand a chance against you. I have supernatural increase in every area of my life because of you. I stand on your word, keeping it in my heart and when I release it from my mouth it’s a two-edged sword. Therefore, no situation in life can form against me. I am unstoppable because of I serve an unstoppable God. You created me to be victorious, exactly as I am, authentically formed. So, I choose to be the best at yielding to what you’ve called and created me to do. I believe Father, you are doing far more than my human mind can ever dream. I decree and declare your will is being done in my life. In Jesus name. Amen.