It's Resurrection Sunday, I pray you are having a blessed Holiday and enjoying the goodness of Jesus. I'm remembering Matthew 28:8-9 which says, "They rushed quickly to tell his disciples, and their hearts were filled with fear, awe, and great joy at the same time. Along the way, Jesus suddenly appeared in front of them and said, “Rejoice!” They were so overwhelmed by seeing him that they bowed down and grasped his feet in adoring worship."
Jesus met them, and oh the joy that flooded their souls. Jesus is still meeting up with people today, I hope you had a meeting with Him today. I want to encourage you to be diligent in your connecting with Him. Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus was epic, we danced, we worshiped, we remembered, we took communion. It was amazing, I cried a lot feeling His nearness. He loves us so much.
Let me tell you what happened on "Good Friday". Im apart of the ministry team at my church, on Friday there were several activities going on after service. There were train rides, face painting, a petting zoo, donuts with coffee, and those little plastic egg shells filled with candy, all over the church so the hundreds of kids in attendance could go and take as much as they wanted. While all that was going on, our team met in the chapel for anyone needing prayers. The first lady I prayed for had a fall earlier in the week and hit her head, her head was in constant (level 6) pain since her fall. She had heart palpitations which caused her to fall. During prayer Holy Spirit gave me word of knowledge about her mother and several others, generations before having the same issue with the heart. She confirmed that was true and started to cry. We walked her through prayer and commanded that familiar spirit (which is a lying spirit, it's just familiar with her families history), heart issues, infirmity, to stop NOW and leave her body in Jesus name. I told all the pain to leave and report to Jesus, where she hit her head to be completely recovered. After prayer she did not feel the pain, when pressing the spot really heard she felt a little tenderness still there, but we continued in prayer and told even that little bit that tried to remain to leave her. She was so encouraged and felt amazing after prayer. Hallelujah!
Another lady came to the chapel for prayer who was dealing with sciatica (level 6 pain) and was told she had hyper-thyroids just recently. While praying I commanded that spirit of pain to get off of her now in Jesus name. She started to cry as she felt the presence of God. Others in the group took turns praying for her and we all agreed that her next doctors appointment will reveal no thyroid issues. After the prayer I asked her to search for the pain, she shook her head in tears and said there was NO MORE PAIN at all. Woohoo! That's our Jesus!
So many other prayers happened, healing from chest pains, scar tissue healing, traumas from surgeries, dealing with grief, etc. People reported feeling really hot during prayer and feeling so much better as we stood in agreement. Our Jesus is still meeting up with people. Let's go after Jesus fervently, He has so much in store for each of us. If healing is needed.... receive it now! If breakthrough is needed....receive it now! Whatever it is....give it to Jesus! I believe with you for the healing power of Jesus to cover you and your families. Revival is happening in us individually and spreading throughout our homes and beyond. Let's go for it and continue spreading this amazing news!